Fourth Quarter Report - Year 2010

October - November - December

Wildlife Protection, Habitat Restoration & Community Wellbeing

Nusa Penida Islands, Bali

1. New Year appeal

Please consider making a donation to help fund FNPF’s project in Kalimantan

2. Quarterly Highlights

  • The World Parrot Trust sponsors the release of 1 Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo onto Nusa Penida
  • FNPF sponsors a highschool teacher from Nusa Penida to do study tour in Australia
  • “Riding Wild for Wildlife” fundraising cycle ride between Canberra and Sydney
  • The cow from the “Half a Cow” programme finally gives birth to a healthy male calf
  • Teacher from Malaysia spends 2 weeks volunteering for FNPF on Nusa Penida
  • Journalist from National Geographic Kids spends a month in Bali and Nusa Penida studying FNPF’s work with Bali Starlings
  • 265 more Jamaican Cherry trees planted by local community members along 3km of roadside between FNPF’s Centre and the village of Ped

3. Regular quarterly updates

  • Wildlife Protection
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Community Wellbeing


Please support us by inviting friends and colleagues to donate to FNPF. You can donate to FNPF directly via our web site here.

Or you can donate via our Australian partner organisation, Humane Society International on their web site here. Please specify “YES” that you are contributing to a specific campaign, and enter “Support for FNPF” as the name of the campaign.

  • $20 will purchase a bag of seeds for our nursery to grow thousands of saplings
  • $25 will fund a child to attend highschool for 1 month
  • $50 will plant 10 saplings and receive 3 years post planting maintenance (water, mulch, protection from fires)
  • $120 will employ 1 local person to work in the nursery or bird centre for 1 month

Quarterly Highlights

The World Parrot Trust sponsors the release of 1 Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo onto Nusa Penida

During the rehabilitation process around the FNPF Centre at Ped, the young Lesser Sulphur Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea parvula) had demonstrated its ability to fly and forage for food. And it showed a desire to mix in a group by attempting to associate with the group of Bali Starlings that regularly congregated at the FNPF Centre (the Bali Starlings did not accept the bird into their group). However, this bird had been hand reared, so we are aware that there will be challenges to it being released into the wild. The bird has little experience or understanding of the social behaviour of associating with the other wild Cockatoos, and the longer it stays with humans and other species, the more difficulty it will be to adapt to join a wild population. Hence we decided that the best place to release the bird is at Sedihing village, where there are 4 Lesser Sulphur Cockatoos (3 pure wild females and 1 male that was released back in November 2009 by the governor of Bali via FNPF).

Releasing the young Sulphur Crested Cockatoo at the temple in Sedihing village

As with all bird releases by FNPF, the bird was released at a temple via a Balinese Hindu ritual that offered the bird to God. We hope that this ritual will result in additional respect and protection for the bird from the local community and from God. The ceremony was conducted by the priest of the temple in Sedihing village and is where the 4 wild cockatoos live, and where they nested previously. There are three nesting hole on a big tree at this temple, and we hope that they will nest here again.

After the priest gave the holy water we opened the cage to allow the bird to fly free. But the bird took over 5 minutes before it had the courage to fly out of the cage and perch on one of the temple buildings. Then it took quite a long time for the bird to get the confidence to fly around the temple area. After 2 hours, the bird tried to approach the wild cockatoos but they attacked it. For the next few days so the young cockatoo flew to nearby houses. So we decided to put her in an isolation cage and hang the cage on a tree in the temple area. We will release the young bird from the cage for a day every week.

We hope this will make the wild bird accept it, and will give the young bird more confidence to join the wild ones. We will continue this until we see the wild birds no longer attack the young bird.

FNPF sponsors a highschool teacher from Nusa Penida to do study tour in Australia

Mr. Wayan Oka has been one of the most active Nusa Penida teachers in giving and supervising conservation education to the highschool students. Because of his dedication FNPF has raised funds to send him to Australia. Thanks must go to Dr. Patricia MacWhirter for raising the money for his trip and for organising so many schools, churches, and clubs to visit. His trip also coincided with the “Ride Wild for Wildlife” fundraising event, so he provided support to the cycling team raising money for FNPF. We hope that Oka’s visit will create a long term relationship with a sister school in Australia and will be the first of many inter-school visits for teachers and students between the 2 locations.

Oka and CEC friends at Guy's Hill Conservation Reserve, Australia

“Riding Wild for Wildlife” fundraising cycle ride between Canberra and Sydney

For the second year in a row, Ms. Geraldine Roggiero (Geri), in Sydney Australia, and a group of her friends organised a fund-raiser for FNPF by cycling from Canberra to Sydney. With Geri were several other bikers including Ben Cebuliak, David Peach, Ron Crueger and Peter Robertson. Together they raised $3.200. Dr Patricia MacWhirter, David Roggiero and Wayan Oka (the teacher from Nusa Penida) provided support to the team for this event.

The “Riding Wild for Wildlife” team raise $3,200 for FNPF

Our sincerest thanks go to Geri and her friends for such an amazing effort (both physically and financially !!). We hope that this will become an annual tradition.

The cow from FNPF’s “Half a Cow” programme finally gives birth to a healthy male calf

In mid October, after a nine-month pregnancy, the cow from the “half a cow” project finally gave birth to a male calf. For the first week the calf only took milk from the mother but soon was foraging for what it could find around the office area.

Many thanks to Mr David Lambert and Mr. Norman Van Hoff for sponsoring this programme. The half cow programme not only provides financial benefit to FNPF each time we sell a calf but also produces cow dung everyday that we use in our nursery.

Teacher from Malaysia spends 2 weeks volunteering for FNPF on Nusa Penida

In late November, Manimala Mayan, a science teacher from a primary school in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, spent a couple of weeks as a volunteer in FNPF’s nursery and bird release facility in Nusa Penida centre. Manimala helped in the tree sapling nursery and planted saplings on our reforestation site at Tanglad. She stayed in the FNPF accommodation at our Centre in Ped. The FNPF Centre has single and double room accommodation, plus a large dormitory for larger groups. Manimala was able to interact with the local people very well because she speaks Malay, which is very similar to Indonesian. Manimala is planning volunteer at Nusa Penida again, and is visiting our project site in Kalimantan in March 2011.

Volunteer, Manimala, takes a break from teaching in Malaysia, to help FNPF

Please contact FNPF if you or your friends would like to volunteer for FNPF at our project sites in Nusa Penida or Kalimantan

Award winning journalist / film-maker spends a month in Bali and Nusa Penida studying FNPF’s work with Bali Starlings

Julika Kennaway, an award winning freelance journalist and film-maker, visited Bali in October / November, to research the Bali Starling.

ulika Kennaway, Putu (FNPF), Olivia Gilmore, and Bayu (FNPF) outside the FNPF office in Ubud

Based in South Africa, Julika had read about FNPF’s project in Nusa Penida and was interested in seeing for herself how the bird had adapted to live on the island, and how the local population had agreed to protect the birds. Julika spent her time with in FNPF’s Ubud offices and at the FNPF Centre on Nusa Penida. Julika plans to publish a number of articles describing FNPF’s, starting with a children’s article in National Geographic for Kids Magazine (South Africa).

Julia Kennaway at the BAFTAs in London, December 2010, where her recent film “World Cup Stories” was nominated for best short film

360 more Jamaican Cherry trees planted by local community members along 3km of roadside between FNPF’s Centre and the village of Ped

In the last 2 years, the local people of Nusa Penida have started to love the Jamaican Cherry tree (Muntingea carabula). It has become a type of fashion for people in the town to grow this tree by the roadside and in their gardens providing shade, green foliage, and fruit. In 2010 it became the most popular tree collected by locals from the nursery at the FNPF Centre.

Less than 1 year old Jamaican cherry by the road side

You can now see this tree along the roadside from FNPF’s Centre to and all through Ped village, and then all the way to Suana village, about 6km away.

The tree has many attractions. It is fast growing in any type of soil and requires very little maintenance. It is attractive and does not grow too big to become a problem to nearby buildings, and the roots to not disrupt the road. It is green all year round and the leaves provide food for the cows. And it produces cherries within 3 years providing delicious fruit for birds and local children.

We are confident that this species will provide food for many bird s (flower pecker, insect eater, fruit eater), and bats.

Around 4,000 have been collected from the FNPF Centre and planted by the locals over the last 3 years. And in October, another 265 were planted in October along the roadside between the FNPF Centre and Ped village.

Regular Quarterly Updates


Bali Starling ( Leucopsar rothschildi).

We did not do much Bali Starling monitoring during this period due to a shortage of staff. Also we focussed our observation more on the Mitchell’s Lorikeet and Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. In the Ped area, close to our centre, we observed 7 pairs together. 2 babies were spotted flying out from a nest in November and 2 other babies from another nest in December. We observed that the biggest group sometimes numbered up to 30 birds in the Ped area, in and around the vicinity of the FNPF Centre. The total number of birds monitored on the Nusa Penida islands was 72 in October, 74 in November, and 76 in December. We believe the Bali Starling has spread widely across Nusa Penida. The existence of a breeding pair on the nearby island of Lembongan is evidence that the birds have moved quite far from the release site.

We believe the Bali Starling has spread widely across Nusa Penida. The existence of a breeding pair on the nearby island of Lembongan is evidence that the birds have moved quite far from the release site.

We would like to organise an independent monitoring project that involves at least 30 people placed in various locations on the 3 islands at the same time. We would then publish the results.

Please contact us if you or your organisation can help us finance such a project.

Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatúa sulphurea parvula)

The World Parrot Trust provided funds for FNPF to do more intensive monitoring of the Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo at Sedihing village. We are fortunate because the residents are so pleased that the birds have chosen to stay in their village, and one of the village leaders, Made Yama, is willing to do the monitoring for FNPF.

According to his observation, the male bird that was released by the governor of Bali in November 2009 has developed a special relationship with one of the wild female birds. The pair was observed spending more and more time in a hole that used to be a bird-nesting site. We are hoping that the pair will breed in the near future

Mitchell’s lorikeet Tricoglosus haematodus mitchellii ) and Red Lory (Eos bornea)

It has become more and more difficult to observe these birds because they move very fast from one location to another. In early October, one of the birds was spotted for about a week on the nearby island of Lembongan. This bird spends most of its time with the Red Lory (Eos bornea). They were observed going into the nesting site of the Bali Starling on Ancar Tree at Puseh Temple. In the middle of November one of our staff saw 5 Mitchell’s Lorikeets flying in front of our office area.

We are not sure about this yet because we never seen more than 3 of these birds since we released them in 2008. If it he was correct in his sighting, then it is possible that the bird we released all survived but previously never spent time together. Prior to releasing the 2 Mitchell’s Lorikeets with the World Parrot Trust in July 2010, we had only observed 1 bird flying around our office area with a home range of about 1.5 km.

Moustache Parakeet (Psitacula alexandri)

To date, 5 were released in February 2009, and 3 are in the process of being rehabilitated for release. The 5 released birds are very hard to spot. They are very shy and like to stay in the mangrove / forest area. We see them occasionally and are confident that all 5 are still alive. But we are uncertain whether they have bred successfully in the wild yet. A breeder originally donated them to FNPF as “unproductive birds”. But whether they breed or not, their release onto Nusa Penida is still extremely important to FNPF. It enables us to assess how well the birds can adapt and survive on the island, and to assess our rehabilitation process. But we continue to hope that they do in fact breed successfully.

In October, we moved the 3 birds being prepared for release from their isolation cage into a rehabilitation cage. Two of the birds demonstrated good physical condition. The 3rd is still not yet able to fly very far. After this rainy season (after April) we expect that they will moult and grow new feathers, which will improve their flying ability.

Java Sparrow (Paddy oryzivora)

12 of the 60 Java Sparrows at the FNPF Centre on Nusa Penida died in early October. We suspect it was a combination of the bad weather that they could not tolerate, and the possibility of Newcastle Disease that also happened with the free-range chicken in the area. The remaining 48 are all healthy and now showing their mature appearance.

Similarly, about 20 of the 100 Java Sparrows in the aviary at John and Rachel Duffield's house in Ubud died during the very heavy rainstorms in October. The remaining 80 are healthy and developed their mature look. They are living in a large aviary that has allowed them to develop and express their social behavior very well. They have formed a very good flock / group  in this aviary. In April, we expect to move 60 of the birds to FNPF’s Centre on Nusa Penida from John's house in Ubud. However, if the unusually heavy rain continues into April, we will postpone their relocation. Once on Nusa Penida, we will acclimatize them to the local Nusa Penida weather / environment for 2 – 4 weeks before we release them into the wild. We do not need to do any rehabilitation programme because this has already been done in John Duffield’s aviary.

Habitat Restoration

Conservation Education

We are very pleased that the conservation-education programme that was created by FNPF has been successfully adopted by the highschool and is being run by their staff. FNPF continues to provide support that they need or request.

Land Rehabilitation

We continued to have unusually high rainfall during this period, which encouraged many of the locals to come to the FNPF Centre to collect saplings from our nursery. The saplings were for their gardens and for agro-forestry purposes. Additionally, many saplings were collected and planted at temples areas.

  • October : of 15,240 saplings at our nursery, the community took 2,130
  • November : of 22,410 at our nursery, the community took 3,250
  • December : of 20,010 saplings at our nursery, the community took 1,450

On December 2010 the local government purchased 3,000 of our saplings for their reforestation project.

Planting at Tanglad the reforestation site

Most of the trees that we planted in November 2008 have grown higher than the citronella grass. Some of them especially Kassuf (Casea siamea) and the Jamaican Cherry have grown higher than 2m. Some of the Jamaican Cherry have produced fruit and have budding coming out not too far from the main stem. The other species that is showing very good growth is the Red Bead (Adenanthera pavoninaI).

Most of the trees that we planted in 2009 are still not higher than the citronella grass but are still doing well. The unusually high rainfall through 2010 has been extremely advantageous. During 2010, there was almost no dry season.

Some farmers still free graze cows on the reforestation site, killing the saplings

However, the biggest problem we continue to face is from some local farmers who release their cows onto the reforestation site to graze. We found many trees that had been killed and damaged by cows. We have again approached the farmers personally and explained what we are trying to achieve and the benefit they will get if the trees grow successfully. This is a problem that is difficult to solve because the farmers often fail to see any direct benefit from not releasing their cows at the planting site. We understand that we need to continue talking to the farmers and making them aware of the long term benefits of the reforestation.

In December 2010, we planted 280 saplings. They were that mostly Psidium sp. which have a strong ability to survive in this area. The planting was done with a group of tourists that visited the island primarily to see the Bali Starlings. We would have liked to plant many more trees during this quarter because the rainfall season was exceptionally high. But our financial situation has severely limited what we can do. We need money to plant trees on the reforestation site (hire local labour to dig holes in the limestone rock, purchase and transport mulch, buy more seeds for the nursery, hire staff to work in the nursery, etc). Please consider making a donation or organising a fund-raiser to help us.

We are planning to do another planting day in mid January 2011, with the participation of the local community.

Community Wellbeing

Community Development

In early 2010, FNPF continued the Community Development program (see below) with the objective of maintaining support from by Nusa Penida residents for FNPF’s conservation programs.

Bamboo planting

During this quarter, we did not do any more planting and are waiting for the results of the carbon conversion calculation from our donor.

Seeds For Bali Program

Most of the trees from this program, funded by Pt. Bank Danamon Indonesia Terbuka (Danamon) and American Express Card members, are still showing good progress. The unusually high rainfall was so beneficial during this period. We are unable to expend the pilot project not doing without any further funds. The most important outcome from this project has been to show the local community how to successfully grow trees from seeds.

Children’s Traditional Dance Class

The children’s traditional dance classes continued to be held in the grounds of the FNPF Centre at Ped and at the village of Batumadeg. Classes are held twice a week. About 40 to 50 students participate at the class in each location.

Student Scholarships

The scholarship programme is continuing to be a great success. Currently, 44 poor families that are selected by the local communities receive a monthly donation to assist with sending a child to highschool, and 1 student receives funds to go to university in Denpasar. We plan to promote the scholarship programme more widely in 2011, because it has proven to be great importance by the community. Plus it is a programme that donors have shown to be very interested in supporting.

Special thanks to Marcella Pierce for sponsoring 3 girls to attend highschool, Humane Society International (Australia) for sponsoring 41 children to attend highschool, and Dr Pat Macwhirter, Dr Elaine Cebuliak and Patricia Corbit for sponsoring a student to attend university.

Please write to us information if you would like to support this program.